
Red Dirt Studio

4051 34th Street
Mount Rainier, MD 20712

if you would like to contact a particular artist, pease do so directly from the artist page.

If you are an artist interested in joining Red Dirt…

Tell us a little something about yourself and your practice; give us some links to work, whether it’s a website or Instagram handle; and let us know how you heard about us.

We currently have 30 artists/ creative professionals in house. We do 4 month terms, renewable up to 3 years, so folks come in just for a project or to use us like grad school. We convene weekly for Seminar, whether in person with physically distant protocols or over Zoom, for critical feedback and resource sharing. We don’t guage applications on skill or proficiency, but rather on fit… if we can be helpful to you and if you are a good match for this kind of community work space.